Please see below for projects open to Stanford students / Ph.D. candidates.


We currently do not have open postdoc funding, but the lab is open to very selectively hosting postdocs who are able to recruit external funding for their postdoc stay at Stanford (please note the high cost). Stays of at least one year are viable because of how long it takes to onboard to our methods and data. We will look for experience with NLP/LLMs/coding and a strong publication record.

Please email if interested.

Ph.D. Students

If interested in working with the lab, Johannes Eichstaedt may be able to co-advise incoming Ph.D. students with colleagues from the Social or Affective Area. Please apply to Stanford and list Johannes Eichstaedt and colleagues from the Social Area on your faculty shortlist. Every application will receive full consideration. As a general rule, we don’t meet with candidates before applications, if nothing else to ensure a level playing field.

Please note that Johannes does not generally supervise PhD students straight out of undergrad, and prefers to admit students with a Masters and/or more life experience, which may (but does not need to) include industry and multi-cultural/extended international experience.

When evaluating Ph.D. applications, we look for prior experience with NLP/LLMs/coding, and publications.

Visiting Ph.D. Students

Our lab does not have the bandwidth to host visiting Ph.D. students. Please consider us for postdocs at a different career stage.

Undergraduate Students/Volunteer Research Assistants

We currently cannot offer paid RA-ships but may be open to volunteer lab members, expecting a minimal commitment of 10/hours a week, given how much time it takes us to coordinate and supervise.

Please fill out this form if interested.

High-school student… supervision, etc.

Absolutely no bandwidth to engage. If you are Bay Area college application consultant reading this in the hope of helping one of your clients beef up their application to elite colleges, may we suggest you reconsider your life choices.